Luis Miguel Varela Cabo, iMATUS researcher, new manager of the Asociación Galega do Hidróxeno (AGH2)…
USC and Asociación Galega do Hidróxeno (AGH2) will collaborate on joint innovation projects around renewable hydrogen in Galicia. In this act, Professor Luis Miguel Varela Cabo, researcher at iMATUS, was presented as the new manager of the association. More info.
iMATUS researchers participate in the Quantum Communications Program (Complementary Plans of R&D&I NextGenerationEU and Xunta de Galicia)
Researchers linked to the Materials Institute of the USC, iMATUS, (from the Quantum Materials and Photonics Research Laboratory) participate under the direction of Jesús Liñares Beiras, in the so-called Quantum Communications Program within the Complementary R&D&I Plans of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the European Union, NextGeneration, and complemented with funds from […]