5th Edition of the SPERTUS Seminar

On October 4th, the 5th edition of the seminar on Energy Transition and Industrial Competitiveness will take place in the Auditorium of the University of Vigo. It was launched at the USC in 2021 with funding from the Social Council, and was promoted by professors Luis Miguel Varela and Josefa Salgado, members of iMATUS.

This edition, organized by these same professors and in collaboration with the Mining Chamber of Galicia, will focus on the need to have the raw materials necessary for this great transformation, inviting research into the resources available in our territories to reduce the risk of external dependence; all within the framework of development and application of the criteria of efficient and sustainable mining, compatible with economic capacity, environmental protection and the satisfaction of people, both workers and the environment.

Attendance at the seminar is free until full capacity is reached and to attend it is only necessary to fill out the questionnaire forms (before October 3rd at 12 noon) at the following link (which also contains the event program).